Tochukwu will call you today!


Tochukwu - An Igbo name meaning “Praise God!” Depending on who you speak to, it could also mean your fiance, your husband-to-be or your destiny helper.

Somewhere along the journey of strengthening my prayer life, the Holy spirit led me to a fiery platform called the New Season Prophetic Prayers and Declarations (NSPPD). An incredibly powerful prayer altar of fire on which testimony after astounding testimony has been given, it is led by the charismatic pastor Jerry Eze, his beautiful wife pastor Eno Jerry and the dynamic pastor Uguru. Of course for a place as incredibly powerful as this, there is a whole prayer team working and praying tirelessly behind the scenes to make things happen. As the team often say, this a season in which we are witnessing the strange acts of God. The prayer session is held every Monday to Friday between 7 am and 8:30 am Nigeria time. That means for good ol’ team London, our morning prayers are between 6 am and 7:30 am. I have found I really enjoy the sessions and start the day feeling highly energised and happy.

A great many things happen on NSPPD. For NSPPD’ians as we call ourselves, we know that every day is a day of signs and wonders, another day to witness the kingdoms of this world become the kingdoms of our God. Pastor Jerry Eze flows extremely powerfully in the prophetic and healing anointing and so in the middle of prayers, he will see things in the spirit and give an incredibly accurate word of knowledge. In a matter of days - if that - myriad people will pop out of the woodwork to testify about how that exact word concerned them, how precise it was down to the minute detail and how their situation has now been reversed. God is using the team mightily! The blind see, the deaf hear, the spirit of mental illness is broken. Cross eyes are reversed, sickle cell genotypes are changed, women trusting God for the fruit of the womb conceive. Families are broken from chains of bondage as God, in what can only be a great move of the Lord of heaven’s armies, intervenes on behalf of His people and frees them from the enemy’s captivity. I will never forget the word of knowledge that was given about 5 sisters, none of whom had ever been married. As soon as the word was given that this was the work of the enemy, as soon as a resounding Amen of God’s people was lifted up to the heavens, the yoke was broken and the sisters were released into their marriages. One of them came to testify three months later about how all of a sudden, their husbands started appearing one by one. At the time of her testimony, two sisters were married and the one who reached out to the team was the third one to go, having set a date for two months down the line. See the goodness of our God.

I said many things happen on NSPPD. We have our inside jokes, our spontaneous moments of shouting upon shouting. I put it this way because our tireless trio of pastors shout (not speak) in tongues! I admit, it took my East African ears a minute to get past the shouting but once I did, I was hooked! Spontaneous jokes and coining of phrases is a thing we do. One morning, a young woman sent in her testimony. Apparently , she had missed the prayer on the morning a word of knowledge was given concerning her situation, only for her sister to call asking how she had missed it and yet the prayer was about her. It transpired what pastor Jerry had said was that a couple was having issues, but that the man involved would call the lady concerned “today today.“ Watching the YouTube replay afterwards, our young lady who was about to get married to one Tochukwu shouted of her man “Tochukwu will call me today, today!” In her testimony she went on to say how well before 6 pm Nigerian time, her fiancé indeed called her and they settled their issues. That day, “Your Tochukwu will call you today!” became an NSPPD catch phrase. Multiple testifiers subsequently referenced this phrase as part of thanking God for coming through for them.

Over time, our Tochukwu character evolved from the errant fiancé on an ill-informed mission to scatter an impending wedding. He came to represent divine helpers, good samaritans, husbands-to-be. It occurs to me that the way in which we have grabbed this Tochukwu matter and carried it on top of our heads as though it relates to our specific issues is indeed what pastor Jerry described one morning. “Some people have a crazy level of faith !” he exclaimed. “The word of knowledge is not about them yet they carry themselves and put themselves inside it.” And pastor Uguru voiced a resounding“ GBAM!” for good measure! Nigerians will not finish us with laughter!

Anyway, so back to Tochukwu. Ladies, I want you to have a long hard think about this. For those of you to whom God has revealed your husband-to-be, please start praying over that man “today today!” Follow the lead of our dear ecstatic testifier. Pray. Declare it. Call forth the things that are not as though they were. Ask God to reveal what you should pray about, what areas in your future husband’s life He would like you to focus on. For those that still don’t know the man, that doesn’t mean you’re scot free! Get down on your knees. Join corporate prayers to strengthen your prayer life. Decree and declare by faith that Tochukwu will indeed call you today! It may not look like it in the natural, but you are gaining spiritual mileage. Away from the marriage conversation, call forth your Tochukwu in all areas of your life. Your destiny helpers, Kings and Queens in High places who can help divinely position you as a launchpad for the next level of life. After all the next phase of your life will demand a different version of you. Hold on to the words in Hebrews 11 : 1. “Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”

For any curious minds, here is a wonderful sample of pastor Jerry Eze in action. Jerry Eze on Instagram: “PRAY🔥 PRAY 🔥🔥” Though not recorded on the prayer platform (you can find that on YouTube and other social media platforms), I thought I would drop this link as the video gave me a great big belly laugh. I hope it puts a smile on your face as you wait for your Tochukwu to call you today! Have a wonderful one ladies!


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