Finding my tribe


Often times, prophetic people experience a sense of isolation or not being understood , even within the body of Christ. You may be having experiences that you cannot quite relay to other people for fear of coming across as weird. In my case for instance, I doubted myself because I was newly born again therefore considered myself inexperienced enough to hold my own. I remember explaining to a mature-in-Christ friend how the Holy Spirit teaches me through scripture i.e. kindly leading me to the exact Bible verse when I have questions about certain things. “That’s impossible!” he said. “God can show you, but so can Google!” I sat there dumbfounded until I realised I was indeed flowing differently. Hence the importance of finding your tribe.

The year was 2020. November 2020 to be precise, and the scent of Trump/ Biden mania was thick in the air. Now, I am called as many things by the grace of God Almighty, but the one thing I can categorically say I am not is a political analyst. As in I have zero interest in Politics and anything slightly resembling that arena. Best of luck to anyone trying to engage me on that front; my sisters would know - they have tried for years to no avail.

On the night the result of the US Presidential election was announced, I was actually in the middle of a 30 day fast. I had chosen to accompany the fast with studying the Word (really studying, not skimming through it!) and reading my recent purchases of books on the prophetic to understand more about the spiritual gift I was coming to the awakening I could possibly be carrying. At the time, I believe I was immersed in Jermaine and Jessica Frances’ ‘Activating the gift of prophecy.’ I should mention that about a month earlier, I’d had a dream in which I randomly saw Donald Trump’s face pop up in the periphery. I say random because as I’ve mentioned, I was not watching any news or indeed any TV at the time. I had somehow managed to cut myself off from the world and all things media in my hunger to understand the experiences I was having and to go deeper in my walk with God.

One of my sisters had come visiting and we were having a good old chinwag in the living room when she turned on the TV and started screaming in excitement. “Biden has won! Biden has taken it!” she was screaming in jubilation as she did her little victory jig, piercing my eardrums in the process and no doubt those of the next door neighbours as well. I recall staring at the TV screen and feeling incredibly puzzled. As the blue and red colours blotted sections of the map of the United States of America, I felt a sense of rising unease. The unsettling feeling increased when I heard the announcement that the media had chosen to call the result and some outlets had flat out refused to do so as they were as yet uncertain. There in the middle of the living room I stood shaking my head. In her euphoric state, it took my sister a few minutes to realise I was not in fact celebrating along with her. Surprised, she looked at me asking what was running through my mind. I couldn’t explain it. All I knew was that a few nights ago, the Donald Trump I had seen in my dream had not looked like an outgoing president. I had a deep sense that things were not as they should be.

Now this is not a political post, I must state that very clearly. What I am giving is a personal account of how election 2020 drama unfolded before the eyes of a baby prophet. There was great contention in the realm of the spirit concerning this election, that much is certain. What’s even sadder is the level of confusion that arose within the body of Christ as a whole and in an even bigger blow, deep division emerging from the camp of prophets itself! The level of division brings to mind the story in 1 Kings 22. In this riveting saga, the prophet Micaiah prophesies against King Ahab. To set the scene in which events unfolded, Jehoshaphat King of Judah and Ahab King of Israel collaborate to recapture the town of Ramoth Gilead from the King of Aram. Ahab summons 400 prophets who all guarantee that the Lord will give him victory in this endeavour. However Jehoshaphat wisely asks, “Is there not also a prophet of the Lord here? We should ask him the same question.” Queue our good prophet Micaiah. Of him, Ahab says, “There is one more man who could consult the Lord for us, but I hate him. He never prophesies anything but trouble for me! His name is Micaiah son of Imlah.”

In struts Micaiah, bringer of doom and absolute gloom. As predicted by the King of Israel, he says to the Kings, “Listen to what the Lord says! I saw the Lord sitting on his throne with all the armies of heaven around him, on his right and on his left. And the Lord said, ‘Who can entice Ahab to go into battle against Ramoth-gilead so he can be killed?’ “There were many suggestions, and finally a spirit approached the Lord and said, ‘I can do it!’ ‘How will you do this?’ the Lord asked. “And the spirit replied, ‘I will go out and inspire all of Ahab’s prophets to speak lies.’ ‘You will succeed,’ said the Lord. ‘Go ahead and do it.’ “So you see, the Lord has put a lying spirit in the mouths of all your prophets. For the Lord has pronounced your doom.”

But I digress. As I took in the scenes on the TV that night, images of people jumping up and down in happiness and frantic phone calls being made to celebrate the result, I purposed in my heart to seek God’s face for understanding. I sat through all the painful screaming and political analysis from none other than my wonderful family. Later that night just before I settled down to enjoy some quiet time, I came across a video shot by a highly anointed prophet to the nations in the UK. In it, he alluded to a date, I believe it was the 18th of January or thereabouts when something significant would happen. At that point I shut down all my devices, said a prayer and asked God Himself to show me what was going on as I did not want to base my views on what I had not heard for myself. No sooner had I said the prayer than did I see and hear ‘Jeremiah’. I opened the book of Jeremiah and began to flip through from chapter one. As I skimmed through, I came to Jeremiah 29 : 10. This is what the Lord says: “You will be in Babylon for seventy years. But then I will come and do for you all the good things I have promised, and I will bring you home again.

The scripture said 70 years. I was reading 70 years, but very clearly in my spirit I heard 70 days. “Won’t it be so funny,” I thought to myself, “if this 70 days corresponds to the date the man of God spoke of?” I took out my calendar and counted down the days and what do you know, it was exactly 70 days from that date! Two days later, a YouTube video ‘randomly’ popped up in my feed of a prophecy given concerning the 70 day judgement window. I say ‘randomly’ because I believe God was enforcing what He had already began to open my eyes to; the fact that I am prophetic and I do indeed hear Him. At that point, I began to accept that I was probably more prophetic than I thought was the case. I had found my people, my very own tribe. The tribe of the prophets.


RIG School of Apostles and Prophets


Prophetic Activations 101